Business Certificates of Deposit (CD)

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Earn 4.00% APY1 on a 3-Month Business CD!

Earn 4.00% APY1 on a 3-Month Business CD!

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Turn Time Into Money

Are you ready to earn more with your hard-earned cash? Choose your term and see bigger returns from fixed rates with a Certificate of Deposit (CD). We have lots of term options available, but typically, the longer the term, the more you earn with interest that compounds and credits monthly.

Business CD Rates

Term (In Months) Interest Rate APY
60 3.69% 3.75%
48 3.69% 3.75%
36 3.69% 3.75%
24 3.45% 3.50%
18 3.54% 3.60%
15 3.45% 3.50%
12 3.83% 3.90%
9 3.78% 3.85%
7 3.93% 4.00%
6 3.40% 3.45%
3 3.93% 4.00%

Open a Business Certificate of Deposit (CD) Today!

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