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April 05, 2022

3 Key Pieces of Information to Keep Your Account Secure

Fraud and Security
As a best practice, there are three key pieces of account information that are important for you to review and update on a yearly basis, which includes your contact info, your joint or secondary account holders and beneficiaries on your deposit accounts. Why does it matter? We’re glad you asked.

1. Contact Information – Phone, Email and Address

While there are countless scenarios as to why we need your up-to-date contact info, here are the top reasons to update your information.

  • Fraud Protection: Using your debit and/or credit cards for online purchases has become the norm. When fraudulent activity is suspected on your card, our typical procedure is to block the card and follow up with you via the contact information we have on file. If we don’t have your current contact info, you may experience the inconvenience of having your card blocked without knowing why.
  • Security: If you move and provide USPS your new address, they will only forward your mail for 12 months. If it’s been more than 12 months and your new debit card is sent to your old address, then you won’t receive your new card when your old card expires. Beyond avoiding such an inconvenience, it’s also vital you provide your financial institution with your current address for your security.
  • Important Updates & Account Changes: Not updating your contact info could mean you don’t receive important reminders, information on account changes or other time-sensitive notifications.

3 Easy Ways to Update Your Info

2. Joint / Secondary Account Holders

When you opened your accounts, do you remember if you had a secondary account holder? If not, now’s a great time to review and update that information, if necessary. You can find your Joint Account holders on your monthly or quarterly statement. If you need to add or remove anyone, just give us a call at 913.905.7000. It’s important for you to know and control who has access to your financial accounts, so make sure to keep track of any joint or secondary account holders and update them as needed.

3. Beneficiaries

All your deposit accounts, including your checking, savings, CDs, money market and IRAs, should have a beneficiary listed. If something should happen to you, this will ensure your balance will be distributed as you wish. If you don’t recall who you named as your beneficiary or whether you have one listed at all, just give us a call or visit a branch, and we can verify the information and update as you wish.
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