Tim Saracini
Tim Saracini,Chief Financial OfficerChief Risk Officer
Tim Saracini is the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) and Chief Risk Officer (CRO) for CommunityAmerica Credit Union. As CFO, Tim is responsible for the direction and oversight of all financial activities at the credit union, including accounting, treasury, finance, planning and forecasting, and management reporting. As CRO, Tim leads efforts to reduce business risk and implements policies and procedures to minimize or manage operation risk. He oversees our risk management, fraud, and legal teams. Tim has held positions of increased responsibility at the credit union since 2005.
Tim is a 38-year veteran of the financial industry, serving in roles including credit union investment and risk management, institutional fixed income sales, independent market making in the Kansas City wheat futures and options pits and more. This wholesale background and perspective has helped CommunityAmerica achieve consistent financial performance and maintain capitalization levels well above industry strength and stability standards.
Tim received his Bachelor of Science in Finance at the University of Missouri – Columbia. Tim is a lifelong Missouri resident, and a Kansas City resident for over 30 years. He enjoys golf, as well as hunting and fishing.